Botanical work group

Botanical work group was formed in 2002 by a small number of enthusiasts, as a second work group of Arcus Ecological Association. Every member of Arcus Ecological Association can join the group, some people work in other work groups too. At the beginning, the group was very active in organizing field works and educational lectures. Thanks to botanical surveys, the tree and scrub species of Backa Topola Park were recorded and the botanical survey of the grasslands near Zobnatica lake was started. Since then, the survey in this very important area has been finished with very significant results.

In recent years, work of the group is mostly focused on activities during the Eco-Camp near Zoblatica lake. Of course, these activities are very important too. Thanks to these activities the younger generations can learn very important facts about plants of the surrounding area. During the tours in nature, people can hear interesting things about the rich flora of Bačka Topola county. Quite popular and visited was the walking tour organized on the International Day for Biological Diversity. In recent years, the tour called “Crocus Tour” (Sáfrány-túra) is very popular among the citizens of Bačka Topola.