International Art Contest for Primary School Students

In the past few years, Arcus Ecological Association from Bačka Topola organized art contest for primary school students on the occasion of the Earth Day. The contest is aimed at promoting the nature protection, the knowledge about the living beings that surround us, about their habitat, ecology and importance. That is why the contest is addressed to young population, especially the primary school students. In the previous years there were a lot of participants from our country, but from abroad as well, and that is how the contest became international. Again, in 2021 we expect participants from all over the Serbia and from abroad, too.

European Ground Squirrel (Photo: Takács András Attila)

European Ground Squirrel (Photo: Takács András Attila)

Theme of 2021 contest is European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) and its habitat. The aim of 2021 contest is to pay attention to this native (endemic) species to Europe because its numbers are constantly decreasing. It is already extirpated in Germany and Croatia. European ground squirrels prefer short-grass steppe environments. The main threat to these animals is habitat loss such as the conversion of grassland and pasture to cultivated fields or to forestry, and the abandonment of grassland and its reversion to unsuitable tall grass meadows and bushy habitats that do not suit the animal. Urbanization and road building are also threats to this species. European ground squirrels are colonial animals and they excavate a branching system of tunnels with several entrances. They are active very short period of time during the year, from late spring till the end of summer. They breed once a year and two to five young are born. When they are out in the open they often sit upright and look around for predators. When threatened these small animals produce a shrill alarm call as a warning to colony members.

Contest details

Contest type: art – drawing, watercolour, collage, and similar techniques


– primary school students 1st – 2nd grade (7 – 8 y. o.)

– primary school students 3rd – 4th grade (9 – 10 y. o.)

– primary school students 5th – 8th grade (11 – 14 y. o.)

Works can be created in any technique and size that is suitable for the age of participant. We expect works that show European ground squirrel and its habitat.

Participants can create and prepare their works on art classes in school or independently from educational institution.

Participation method and deadline

Each participant can submit only one work. It is obligatory to write down on the back of the work the following information:

– title of the work

– name of the author

– author’s age and school grade

– contact information of the author or his/her parent/guardian (phone number and e-mail obligatory)

– art teacher’s name (if helped with work preparation)

– name of the school that is author attending

Contest participants can submit their application by sending their works by post at the following address: Arcus Ecological Association, 24300 Bačka Topola, Školska 2, Serbia (Ekološko društvo “Arkus”, 24300 Bačka Topola, Školska 2, Srbija).

Deadline for sending the works is extended because of organizational and technical reasons and the new deadline is 16 April 2021 (Friday) instead of 2 April 2021.

There is no participation fee. The works can’t be returned to the authors.

Privacy policy

By registering participants agree to be bound by this agreement and accept all its parts. Artists authorize Arcus Ecological Association to process artist’s personal data in accordance with law. Personal data and submitted works will be used in accordance to the purpose of the contest.

Selection, awards and collective exhibition

In each category will be selected three best works by jury composed of Arcus Ecological Association’s members. If there will be any work that stands out, the jury can award special prize. Jury will not take into consideration the works with incomplete information about the work and its author, and the works which will be sent after the deadline. The awards are books suitable for the age of the authors.

All submitted artworks will be exhibited in Exhibition Hall of Bačka Topola Municipality Culture Centre. Bearing in mind the extending the contest deadline, collective exhibition opening and award ceremony will be held on 3 May 2021 (Monday) at 18:00.

The exhibition will be open to the public from 3 May to 9 May 2021.

We are expecting very creative artworks.

S u p p o r t e r s

Local Government of Bačka Topola


Culture Centre of Bačka Topola

Please share your thoughts!